
Massage Therapy Camp Hill

Heart Party

With Keane Aldrich and Angel Pricer
Saturday, February 10th 1:00-3:00pm
We will explore heartbreak, and a creative way to access the heart’s wisdom for healing. Relationships are such a significant part of this human experience. It is likely that each person you meet is carrying some heartbreak from somewhere in their lives. This workshop is an opportunity to engage with heartbreak in a new way, soften its lingering impact on us, and help us create the space for healing within ourselves. $33 per person
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Massage Therapy Camp Hill

Astrology Self Study Circle

With Keane Aldrich and Angel Pricer
Thursdays, March 21-April 25th 6:00-8:00pm
We will explore the ways in which each astrology archetype gives and receives love. Imagine becoming more versed in and aware of how the people in your life flow with certain ways of being in the activity of love. Learn ways of noticing and correlating the astrology aspects and their polarities as patterns and remedies for any kind of relationships. Love is an evolutionary force. What does love want you to notice? Join us each Thursday from March 21 to April 25  
Click here to register